Mercury Bay, Rotorua, Waitomo, Taupo
Just a quick update!
Yesturday we left Mercury Bay, not much to say about that town because we arrived late and left early this morning.
Today we arrived in Rotorua, and checked in and then went to this big hillside where we raced with small cars! It was really fun. After that I went to the supermarket and bought some dinner. Right now im going to the hostels bar with my new friends Gustav and Johan from Sweden. We met on the bus the first day we started kiwi experience and they are really nice!
Tomorrow we are going to Waitomo, where they have lots of caves and glow-worms! We stay there one night and then on thursday we are going Taupo for two nights where they have a lot of lakes and there I am going to... wait for it.... wait for it.... SKYDIVE! From 12000ft or 15000ft I haven't decided yet. CRAZY!
Talk to you soon!
GIRL YOU'RE CRAZY!!! dö inte!!! puss
Skall min lilla bebiskorvhuligansvarting ut på äventyr själv nu? Du vet väl att du ger mig en hjärtattack va? :O Låter som du har det as ball med alla fina stränder, människor, aktiviteter mm. Jag har också väldigt roligt här hemma. Sprang naken i regnet i längan i veckan. Var en extremt rolig upplevelse. Hahahaha. Nu var jag rolig va? Önskar att jag var hos dig nu och fick dela detta minne med dig! Se till och göra allt roligt du kan och ha det sååå sjukt jvla bra:D:D Saknar dig! Puss.