Cairns and the Open Water Course
Picture-rain, i'll let the pictures speak for themselves!
After Fraser Island we went to Airlie Beach, after two days in Airlie we went onboard our boat Alexander Stewart that took us under 3 days around the Whitsunday Islands.
Here is Alexander Stewart!
Viktor overlooking the amazing view.
Night-talk about all the fish and coralls we saw during snorkelling.
Bush-walk to the whitsunday islands national park.
Aboriginal cavepaintings.
Magnificent veiws!
And the boat with the sales up!
First stop- Fraser Island
We stayed at a resort and every morning the bus picked us up and took us to all these beautiful places.
A bushwalk in the rainforest!
Lake McKenzie- crystal clear, amazing!
Eli Creek
Dingo in Eli Creek!
Champange pools! The water came in like this and made lots of bubbles, like you where bathing in champange.
The Maheno shipwreck which has been there for a loooong time!
Lake wabby. A lake right inbetween sand dunes. Really cool!
Last day, saying goodbye to our busdriver!
On the ferry back to mainland(Hervey Bay). Beautiful sunset.
Next update is going to be about our trip to the Whitsundays :)
just nu tankte jag bara uppdatera om vad jag gor nu(ber om ursakt for engelsk tangentbord, orkade inte skriva pa engelska).
Igar(lordag) var en sorglig dag, sa jag hejda till viktor som akte hem till kalla sverige igen. det har varit 3 underbara veckor med honom, vi har gjort sa mycket roligt. bast av allt var att ta dykcertifikat i barriarrevet. lovar att uppdatera med bilder och forklara vad vi hittat pa under dessa tre veckor som var.
men med 3 veckor av bara kul tog ocksa pengarna slut. sokte jobb i cairns dar jag ar nu utan lyckat resultat. ringde till massa wwoof-farmar(willing workers on organic farms) wwoofing ar att man jobbar nagra timmar om dagen for gratis accomodation och mat. ingen farm hade nagon plats men en av dom jag ringde gav mig numret till en dam han kande. hennes pappa dog nagra veckor sedan och hon behovde hjalp med hennes hus iom att hon inte varit hemma pa nagra veckor behovde hon stadhjalp.
Igar flyttade jag in hos henne! hon heter Mimielle och ar ursprungligen fran fillipinerna men har bott i australien i 40 ar. hon har ett valdigt fint enplanshus med pool! jag har mitt egna rum med dubbelsang. hon har en jattesot hund som heter jack.
det bor en till i huset, han heter gerard och ar utbytestudent fran kina, han gar highschool.
mimielle lagar underbar mat och later mig bo och ata gratis i utbyte mot hjalp runt huset. idag(sondag) dammsog jag i 3 timmar(hon e sjuuukt pedant) och det ar det enda jag behover gora idag.. hjalpa till med middagen och diska och sa ocksa..
det basta ar att hon bara bor 30 min busstur fran cairns city sa jag kan aka in och vara med mina kompisar dar ocksa.
det ar roligt hur allt bara loser sig med lite tur!
nu har jag exakt 5 veckor kvar i austalien, jag hade tankt att vara hos mimielle i 3-4 veckor, sedan har jag 1-2 veckor kvar efter det. da tankte jag checka in pa ett hostel i cairns och umgas med alla svenska kompisar som alla kommer att samlas i denna lilla stad(alla vi som akte med work and travel i november)!
sedan flyger jag fran cairns till brisbane nagongang runt den 12-13-14 maj. 15 maj aker jag fran brisbane till bangkok.
Mine and Viktors trip!
Thought I would tell you how Me and Viktor will be traveling when he comes 20th of march-10th of april.
First we are in Brisbane for 2 nights, then we take a bus to Hervey Bay which is where Fraser Island is, a couple of days on Fraser Island then bus from Hervey Bay to Airlie Beach which is where the Whitsunday Islands are. The Whitsundays are over 100 small islands so we are going to sail around all of them a couple of days! Then from Whitsundays to Cairns! You can see Fraser Island, Whitsundays and Cairns on the map.
Fraser Island:
The Whitsundays:
I hope the weather will be good, haha! Only 10 more days in Coolangatta. The 19th I will pack my bags and head for Brisbane, finally!
My new surfboard!
I thought I would show some pics of my new surfboard i bought a couple of days ago!
On the beach in Palm Beach where I live!
The first step to get on the board once the wave hits you is to push up your arms, to then shoot your feet on the board:
To my left I have Surfers Paradise:
In the middle here is palm beach where I live:
And on my right I have Coolangatta:
Saturday 6th, february
A couple of days ago Marika, Lara and me went on a roadtrip to IKEA near Brisbane to buy some swedish food(marabou, lingonsylt, gifflar, knackebrod osv)! I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. It was a very fun day!
Hej alla hemma!
Update from last time!
A couple of days ago me, Marika and Lara went to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary where we had a wonderful day!
I started out by holding a koala for the first time, it was wonderful.
We coudled with the cute kangaroos, they where so tame!
Look at this cutie :)
We got to hold a crocodile!
Kangaroo-feeding. Me, Marika and Lara!
Kangaroo and me. ;)
An aboriginal dance show! Me and Marika posing with the dancers after the show.
Marika and Lara with the cute koalas in the back.
Another day we went to Tallebudgera Creek for a swim.
ABBA POSE! haha ;)
Me and Marika on a night out near Surfers Paradise :)
I'm alive!
Sorry for bad posting the last weeks but I have been working nearly 10 hours a day and been a busy bee!
Last weekend I went for one night to Byron Bay and met up with Marika, Lara, Gustav and Johan. It was a crazy night and heaps of fun!! Here are two pics from that night.
Now Marika and Lara are staying in my apartment with me for a while, and Marika is here for two weeks. Heaps of fun! Nice to not be so alone.. It's kinda lonely to live by yourself. Soo, what else? I often hang out with people from work too, especially John from Colorado. Lots of BBQ's at his house every week. I work at a cafe in Coolangatta and we have coffe, sandwiches, cakes, fresh juices, milkshakes, smoothies and other basic stuff. So at work I just run around like a crazy person doing stuff that needs to be done. It was wery stressfull at first but now when all kids are back in school it's much calmer.
Here are some pics of beautiful Coolangatta!
Me, Lara, John and Marika at a weiw-point in Coolangatta.
At John's house, Marika, John and his friend Jay.
This is my little baby Charlie! He's the neighbours jack russel, and he's the cutest thing ever! He loves laying on my lap on his back and getting his tummy scrached, haha.
Hello from sunny Coolangatta!
My room: My "bed" to the right. Yepp, I have this huge pile of madrasses to chose from but I only sleep on one, hihi.
It takes 2 minutes to walk to the beach from the apartment..
New Years in Brisbane
The 31st me and Elin arrived in Brisbane, we came to our hostel which had a big roofterrass, pool and a cosy bar so we decided to spend the night there celebrating. Here are some pics from the night!
Our roommates Elaine and Maddie
Our third roommate Laura and two guys she knew.
Me and Elin.. Like my mask?? ;)
Timbuktu was there!!!
We were on the dancefloor getting our groove on all night!
Happy New Year!!
Last days in New Zealand december!
First stop after Queenstown was Christchurch, the city compared to England. I also had my last night out with Adam and Karen since I was leaving for Kaikoura the next morning.
After Christchurch we headed to Kaikoura. First stop was by a sealcolony and you could get close to the seals, see the one behind me?
In Kaikoura I went to the stonebeach.
And that evening we went fishing! First he pulled the lobsters up, and there where loooads of them! Here he is checking the size of the lobster if it'b big enough to keep.
We also got companied by the worlds second rarest Dolphin!
As soon as we got the fishingline down, it was just to pull it up again and there was fish on the line!
Steve our busdriver got the most fish, about 12(I only got two, haha)
A albatross came and said Hello. Look at the difference in size between it and the seagall!
We got to keep all the fish and lobsters so back at the hostel a feast awaited us!
The big barbeque!
Steve putting all the lobsters on the grill with garlicbutter on, mmmm!
My lobster worth 300dollars(1500 svenska kronor). It was massive!! I got the biggest lobster since I got hurt on the boat, my chair fell off and slung me to the side of the boat.. Aoach!
Ni ar daliga pa att kommentera!
In Brisbane right now, looking for jobs. The weather is hot hot hot but I want to get out of the city and get closer to the beach so tomorrow im packing my bags and heading to Coolangatta to walk around handing out my CV everywhere, I really want a job there.
Happy New Year! Me and Elin spent New Years at our hostel, it was a calm night and we went to bed 00.30, haha. We were tired.
Wish me luck with my jobhunting!
Update from last time!
After the tight and bright party in Lake Mahinaphua we set of towards Frans Josef. In FJ there is glaciers and thats about it. I could't afford a glacier hike so me and a german guy, Benjamin went for a walk and came across this long, pitchblack cave. Ofcourse we had to explore it! The second day we went to a hot water spring and had a wonderfull relaxing time!
(klick on the small photos to make them bigger)
After two nights in Franz Josef we headed for QUEENSTOWN! The place where I could finally settle down for 6 nights and get of that damn bus a bit.. First three photos are from the first evening we got there.
The day after arriving we went on a day-trip to Milford Sounds. The weather was amazing for once and it was beautiful!
The 23rd of december me and Karen wanted to do something togehter while her boyfriend and Johan and Gustav went doing manly stuff so we went horseback-riding! It was amazing, the first time ever for me. My horse was huge and it's name was Drum and he was very sweet and calm.
On christmas the 24th me and two swedish friends Per and Petter decided to do the worlds fith highest bungyjump, Nevis. They where dressed as father christmas and me as santas wife, as you can see on the picture below, hahaha!
Later that evening I cooked christmas dinner for Ben, Per, Petter, Johan, Gustav, Karen and Adam and after dinner we went on a pubcrawl. A very fun evening!
SO! That was Queenstown, I loved it there! Loads to to. Next update I will show you my last two stops in NZ, Christshurch and Kaikoura. Right now it's the 30th of december and im in Auckland again, tomorrow the 31th 09.35 the flight from Auckland to Brisbane goes, so back so wery hot weather and job-searching. Wish me luck!