Pictures from Byron Bay 28-30 nov

One day we relaxed by the hostels pool and tryed my new under-water camera, it's awesome!

Elin jumping in the pool in a graceful way..

and me jumping not as gaceful.. haha.

On our last day Elin's cousin and her boyfriend took us to the rainforest near the town Nimbin(the only town in Australia where you are allowd to smoke marijuana. All the hippies live there, haha.) We walked a couple of minutes and came to this wonderful spot where we could swim under the waterfall. Not much water falling down though but it didn't matter.

Me and Elin happy about getting in the water so our body tempeture got down to normal. It was so hot that day!

Elins cousin Anette and her boyfriend Shaylo

Beutiful! We where speachless..

Cool picture in the water!

And ofcourse since it's the rainforest it started to rain. It was really cool, the rain was so warm and it made the whole forest go foggy.

On our way back to the car we found this cool tree.


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