
No pictures today im affraid, I haven't got the time but i'll run through the things we have been doing the last couple of days.
Thursday in Taupo when we arrived I went skydiving from 1500ft and it was soooo good! It was so scary but I LOVED IT! My tandemmasters name was Yonatan and he was so small, I was 3 times bigger than him, haha! I have got a film and loads of pictures so I will show you another day! 
Friday everybody from the bus went out and got drunt, it was a fun night! I also ran into my tandemmaster which was funny.
Saturday we packed our bags and headed for one night to River Valley which lays in the middle of nowhere, the only thing you can do there is rafting which I couldn't afford so I took it slow and read lots in my book. Today(sunday) we arrived in Wellington, the capital city for only one night. We arrived late and will leave for Nelson on the south Island tomorrow morning!

Congrats to my sister who took TWO silver medals in the european championships!!! YOU ROCK!


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