19 nov thursday

Yesterday me and Elin went to the premiere of New Moon, it was sooo good!
Today we started out at the opera house and it was amazing. When Elin and I saw the opera we both got chills. We walked around a national park and saw a lot of bats and other crazy animals. We also went to Sydney Aquarium and saw lots of cool animals.
I can sum the day up by saying we walked very long and far and got to see most of things. Sydney is a really cool, cleen and layed-back city but I am looking forward to coming more close to the beach and further up the east coast.

Now, it's been a little problem with our New Zeeland flight, we booked 1 dec-2 jan, but on our ticket is says that we are going back to Australia 21 of januari.. And we can't afford to be there so long so we have to contakt Air New Zeeland to se if we can come to New Zeeland a little bit later in december. I hope it works out..!

A cuple of things i've learnt about Australia so far:
-Everybody says "whatever" ALL the time. "If you go there and back or whatever. If i said that or whatever. I went there and saw that and whatever. If you want to by this bag or whatever you have to bla bla."
-You only have like halv a second to pass the road when the green walkdude sign lights up. It lights up for MAX a second so you have to run like an idiot to get to the other side or else you're kethup! Haha.

Right now we live in chinatown but we have to check out saturday, and we have booked two nights(saturday night and sunday night) at a new hostel right by the opera until monday then when the surfcamp starts. Jeeha!


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