Last days in New Zealand december!
First stop after Queenstown was Christchurch, the city compared to England. I also had my last night out with Adam and Karen since I was leaving for Kaikoura the next morning.
After Christchurch we headed to Kaikoura. First stop was by a sealcolony and you could get close to the seals, see the one behind me?
In Kaikoura I went to the stonebeach.
And that evening we went fishing! First he pulled the lobsters up, and there where loooads of them! Here he is checking the size of the lobster if it'b big enough to keep.
We also got companied by the worlds second rarest Dolphin!
As soon as we got the fishingline down, it was just to pull it up again and there was fish on the line!
Steve our busdriver got the most fish, about 12(I only got two, haha)
A albatross came and said Hello. Look at the difference in size between it and the seagall!
We got to keep all the fish and lobsters so back at the hostel a feast awaited us!
The big barbeque!
Steve putting all the lobsters on the grill with garlicbutter on, mmmm!
My lobster worth 300dollars(1500 svenska kronor). It was massive!! I got the biggest lobster since I got hurt on the boat, my chair fell off and slung me to the side of the boat.. Aoach!
Va sa albatrossen när han simmade förbi då? :)
hehehe..du e bara för go du tjejen! Hälsa "Alban" att jag jääättegärna hade varit där med er! <3
Ååååh, Mickis!
Siter på Intersport och saknr dig nu ju. Vi gör pärmarna... ;P Så kom vi att tänka på dig och tänkte att du måste ju ha någon form av resedagbok eller så, så vi kollade in din facebook och hamnade här. Du verkar ju ha det toppen. Mamma och jag sitter och dreglar lite över dina bilder - det ser helt fantastiskt ut (:
Alla här hälsar, Ludde, Fredrik, mamma & jag (: