Update from last time!
After the tight and bright party in Lake Mahinaphua we set of towards Frans Josef. In FJ there is glaciers and thats about it. I could't afford a glacier hike so me and a german guy, Benjamin went for a walk and came across this long, pitchblack cave. Ofcourse we had to explore it! The second day we went to a hot water spring and had a wonderfull relaxing time!
(klick on the small photos to make them bigger)
After two nights in Franz Josef we headed for QUEENSTOWN! The place where I could finally settle down for 6 nights and get of that damn bus a bit.. First three photos are from the first evening we got there.
The day after arriving we went on a day-trip to Milford Sounds. The weather was amazing for once and it was beautiful!
The 23rd of december me and Karen wanted to do something togehter while her boyfriend and Johan and Gustav went doing manly stuff so we went horseback-riding! It was amazing, the first time ever for me. My horse was huge and it's name was Drum and he was very sweet and calm.
On christmas the 24th me and two swedish friends Per and Petter decided to do the worlds fith highest bungyjump, Nevis. They where dressed as father christmas and me as santas wife, as you can see on the picture below, hahaha!
Later that evening I cooked christmas dinner for Ben, Per, Petter, Johan, Gustav, Karen and Adam and after dinner we went on a pubcrawl. A very fun evening!
SO! That was Queenstown, I loved it there! Loads to to. Next update I will show you my last two stops in NZ, Christshurch and Kaikoura. Right now it's the 30th of december and im in Auckland again, tomorrow the 31th 09.35 the flight from Auckland to Brisbane goes, so back so wery hot weather and job-searching. Wish me luck!
Torsdag 17 december- Bildregn!
Here are some photo-updates! Klick on the photos to make them bigger!
Carracing, black water rafting in caves in Waitomo, Hot water stream in Taupo
Second night in Taupo, the whole gang went out. First picture Jodie and her husband Olli(and me ofcourse). Second picture of me and my tandemmaster Yonatan and last picture Mark and Amy!
Johan and Gustav from Uppsala. Middle picture of the waterfall where Gollum eats his fish in Lord Of the rings!! Third photo of the lovely meal in the wonderfull hostel in Nelson(first city on the south island).
After the lovely meal and beer tasting in Nelson the guitarr went out and we all sang songs all night long. Second picture of our bussdriver JP, and then one of the coldest rivers ever on the way to Lake Mahinapua.
In the middle me and Karen and the third photo Gustav, Adam(Karens boyfriend), Karen, me and Johan at pancake rocks!(Still heading towards Lake Mahinapua).
Pancake rocks! Second picture is Selina and Mehahn at the beach when we arrived in Lake Mahinaphua.
The following pictures are from when we had a themeparty att the bar where we stayed in Lake Mahinaphua, the bar is called The POO bar, haha. The theme was "Tight and Bright"!
Karen and Adam
Benjamin the nipple boy!
JP- the boxer!!
Alma the hippie and me as Sandy in Grease
The gay couple! Hahah
Haha! Nathaniel and his best friend(can't remember his name)
Karen getting her groove on!
The whole gang!
Really missing everyone at home now especially when christmas is coming..!
No pictures today im affraid, I haven't got the time but i'll run through the things we have been doing the last couple of days.
Thursday in Taupo when we arrived I went skydiving from 1500ft and it was soooo good! It was so scary but I LOVED IT! My tandemmasters name was Yonatan and he was so small, I was 3 times bigger than him, haha! I have got a film and loads of pictures so I will show you another day!
Friday everybody from the bus went out and got drunt, it was a fun night! I also ran into my tandemmaster which was funny.
Saturday we packed our bags and headed for one night to River Valley which lays in the middle of nowhere, the only thing you can do there is rafting which I couldn't afford so I took it slow and read lots in my book. Today(sunday) we arrived in Wellington, the capital city for only one night. We arrived late and will leave for Nelson on the south Island tomorrow morning!
Congrats to my sister who took TWO silver medals in the european championships!!! YOU ROCK!
Mercury Bay, Rotorua, Waitomo, Taupo
Just a quick update!
Yesturday we left Mercury Bay, not much to say about that town because we arrived late and left early this morning.
Today we arrived in Rotorua, and checked in and then went to this big hillside where we raced with small cars! It was really fun. After that I went to the supermarket and bought some dinner. Right now im going to the hostels bar with my new friends Gustav and Johan from Sweden. We met on the bus the first day we started kiwi experience and they are really nice!
Tomorrow we are going to Waitomo, where they have lots of caves and glow-worms! We stay there one night and then on thursday we are going Taupo for two nights where they have a lot of lakes and there I am going to... wait for it.... wait for it.... SKYDIVE! From 12000ft or 15000ft I haven't decided yet. CRAZY!
Talk to you soon!
Bay Of Islands och Cape Reinga
Cool huh!? They swam right by us for a long time.
Did you know that if the dolphinmother looses her baby she carries her babys body on her back until it's fully decomposed?
Saturday we went to Cape Reinga, the most northen point of New Zealand. According to Māori mythology(the native New Zealanders) Cape Reinga is the spot where all the Māori people spirits go when they die. If you see the lighthouse in one of the pictures below, that's where their spirits take off. If you have been a good spirit you will have wings and fly off, but if you have been a bad spirit you will fall in the ocean at cape reinga and the seamonsters will take you.
On our way back to Bay of Islands we had two stops, the first one at this beach to take a swim(jealous anyone??):
And the second stop was at these sanddunes to go sandboarding!
Can you imagine that I went sandsurfing from the top? Crazy!!
Today(sunday) im going to Auckland again for one night there. Monday morning the Kiwi bus takes us to Mercury Bay where I will stay for 1 or 2 nights. Now I am traveling on my own since Elin is staying here in Bay of Islands a couple of days more.
Nya Zeeland
We arrived in Auckland, New Zealand really late last night. Today we have strolled around town a bit but it's pooring down with rain here today so after a while we went to the supermarket and bought food for these 3 nights we are staying here and went back to the hostel again.
Friday morning the bustrip "Kiwi Experience" starts around the whole of New Zealand. Elins only going to the north island and I am seeing both so I will be traveling by my self for the first time since we came, it's going to be a fun experience. Our first stop will be the Bay Of Islands.
This is the bustrip i bought but I have added the top bit, so I get to see Bay of Islands, Cape Reinga and so on..
Pictures from Byron Bay 28-30 nov
One day we relaxed by the hostels pool and tryed my new under-water camera, it's awesome!
Elin jumping in the pool in a graceful way..
and me jumping not as gaceful.. haha.
On our last day Elin's cousin and her boyfriend took us to the rainforest near the town Nimbin(the only town in Australia where you are allowd to smoke marijuana. All the hippies live there, haha.) We walked a couple of minutes and came to this wonderful spot where we could swim under the waterfall. Not much water falling down though but it didn't matter.
Me and Elin happy about getting in the water so our body tempeture got down to normal. It was so hot that day!
Elins cousin Anette and her boyfriend Shaylo
Beutiful! We where speachless..
Cool picture in the water!
And ofcourse since it's the rainforest it started to rain. It was really cool, the rain was so warm and it made the whole forest go foggy.
On our way back to the car we found this cool tree.